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Celebrities Reviews

  • Jazz Lam Jazz Lam
    A friend introduced NEX water ionizer to me and many people said that it is very useful, so I chose the NEX EN7P water ionizer. I told my maid that if you want to look beautiful, you can choose to use one of the modes. She told me her skin really getting
  • June Chan June Chan
    Husband (Jack Wu) wishes you a happy birthday. I know you always take care of your health. This year's birthday gift is the Nex water ionizer that you have wanted for a long time. I believe you should be very satisfied! ... Well, no need to thank me, beca
  • Jack Wu Jack Wu
    A friend introduced Nex water ionizer to me. Health is priceless starting from drinking water! It's worth it! Thank you for your (June Chan) birthday present!
  • Rachel Lam Rachel Lam
    I finally found my winter gift! It is really important to have an instant hot water dispenser, you can have warm water whenever you want!
  • Wiyona Yeung Wiyona Yeung
    Nex water water ionizer is so convenient and you can drink clean water!
  • 林子超 林子超
    冷熱常溫過濾水,絕對安心飲用,方便好用,真係令到自己飲多咗好多水! 梳打水機亦容易操作,慳返唔少錢買罐裝梳打水,又可以減低飲汽水嘅機會,最重要係非常環保,真心家居必備!!!
  • Janice衛蘭 Janice衛蘭